Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is a Recording

Earlier this month, a friend of mine sent two prescriptions to Aetna to have them filled by Aetna's mail-order pharmacy.

Last week, he received a phone call from Aetna. Well, sort of.

You see, his phone did ring... and it was a call from an Aetna phone line... but there wasn't actually another person on the other end of the phone. Instead, upon picking up the phone he was treated to a recorded message, which went something to the effect of...

"Hello. This is Aetna. We have received your prescription. However, due to a problem, we will not be able to fill your prescription. If you need more information, please call us."

How's THAT for top-notch customer service? We have your prescription. We can't fill it. Goodbye. As if a pre-recorded message isn't bad enough, the message itself is quite the piece of work: IF you need more information???? Which high-level Aetna genius approved such an outrageous insult to our intelligence?

Sleep tight, Aetna customers; the prescription's in the mail. Then again, maybe it's not.

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